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  Reedham Regatta, 2007

This was a weekend of grey skies and light breezes, but at least the promised rain did not materialise.  Ten boats started Saturday afternoon's race, but Wisp retired soon after crossing the start line when the bobstay shackle failed and Nutcracker succumbed after spending rather a long time aground.  Melody, sporting her new integral rig, came home a comfortable winner.  Sunday morning produced testing conditions with a tack against a strong tide in a gentle breeze.  The same ten boats started, but Nutcracker again retired after losing all way and ending up against the bank.  Aelfleda was another casualty of the conditions, as was TOG who decided that crossing the start line three times was enough for them.  Wisp, however, was better suited to these conditions and came home a clear winner, with Melody behind.  Golden Moon must be mentioned for persevering, even though their eventual corrected time was nearly twice that of the winning boat.  The wind picked up a little in the afternoon, allowing Breeze to take the honours.

Full results

Saturday pm - Harriet of Reedham Open Trophy : 1. Melody (Mark Wells)  2. Dryad (David Walker)  3. Breeze (Henry Fillery)  4. Henrietta (Pete Charlton)  5. Anna (Dianne Branscombe)  6. Aelfleda (Trevor Potter)  7. Golden Moon (Duncan Ellis)  8. The Only Girl (Joe Kilner)  Rtd: Wisp and Nutcracker

Sunday am - Serenity Trophy :  1. Wisp (Denis Kilner)  2. Melody (Mark Wells)  3. Breeze (Henry Fillery)  4. Henrietta (Pete Charlton)  5. Anna (Dianne Branscombe)  6. Dryad (David Walker)  7. Golden Moon (Duncan Ellis)  Rtd: Nutcracker, Aelfleda, The Only Girl

Sunday pm - Silver Trophy :  1. Breeze (Henry Fillery)  2. Henrietta (Pete Charlton)  3. Wisp (Denis Kilner)  4. Anna (Dianne Branscombe)  5. Melody (Arthur Wells)  6. Farthing (Bob Elvin)  7. Aelfleda (Trevor Potter)

Overall - Reedham Open Trophy : 1. Melody  =2. Breeze  =2. Wisp  4. Henrietta  5. Dryad  6. Anna  7. Aelfleda  8. Golden Moon  9. The Only Girl  10. Nutcracker

last edited on:  10/06/2007 at 21:26   by: The Editor