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  Commodore's report, AGM 2021 New Page 1

We returned to Coldham Hall for this year's AGM and it was encouraging to see over 30 people there for the occasion.  In the absence of the Commodore, Will Armour, who was in hospital recovering from an operation, the meeting was chaired by Vice Commodore, Margaret Kilner.  After welcoming everyone, she invited those present to observe a minute's silence for members whom we have sadly lost in the last two years, namely: Jacquie Newton, Linda Perryman, Chris Ward, Neil Johnson, Jack Jenner, David Smith, Betty Charlton.

After the opening preliminaries, Margaret then read Will's report, verbatim, as follows:

"I will start as I mean to go on:

What's the worst cat to have?

A catastrophe

We weren't sure whether this year was going to be a catastrophe or a start to recover.       Good news - recovery but slow.

We were sad to loose Jack Jenner mid-September at the great age of 102. Jack and brother Bill established Maidencraft in 1960 as a worthy successor to Jenner's of Thorpe; and David Smith early October a long standing member and past Commodore of the Yare Sailing Club, David will be best remembered on the Broads for his ownership of river cruiser Rogue.

And sadly Betty Charlton on 3rd November. Betty and Peter were well known on the Broads , sailing and racing river cruiser Henrietta and later their motor boat Damsel. Betty continued to support the Yare Sailing Club as a committee member.

Our thoughts are with their family and friends.

Our get together with EACC on a snowy January evening was good even on Zoom. The next one is going to be quite fun as we are at a well-known (or should I say well run) pub in Great Yarmouth! The Blackfriars Tavern.

Early races did not have too many entrants but as the season went on we got more with autumn at Cantley well attended.

The Youth race is very important as we need to encourage younger members and I was very pleased to see five boats start and finish: a good result.

We need more members and volunteers and for that matter committee members and need to ask members help us improve this part of the YSC.

Very many thanks to Julia for staying on as Secretary and for keeping the Commodore and President in order. The Secretary's job is demanding (as I know) and Julia has been there for all of us.

Continuing my thanks I am very pleased Rosemary Winterton has agreed to be YSC welfare officer.

Sadly Kelvin has resigned from the club. I hope he will reconsider as he has been a stalwart for a long time. He saved the day when I needed someone to launch the club boat - he stepped in (not the water!) and put things in order.      We will now need a Vice Commodore.

Thanks must go to a number of people:

I mentioned Julia earlier.

My thanks also go to Adrian who has done a great job as Treasurer, including working on getting us a new Bank!'

Margaret for being 'sailing secretary' and organizing a lot of other things, e.g. Trophies.

OOD'S –Adrian Lincoln, John Smith, Robert and Sally Self and Margaret Kilner.

Where would we be without Chris and his gun and for that matter Chloe his dog - many thanks!

Also all those who manned the start and finish line - Julia, Jan and Christine. Club boat: Kelvin, Brian and Michelle, John Smith and Rachel. Sue Hines for her photos. Coldham Hall Memorial Race - Mark and Lisa (hi honey!)

I am retiring gracefully.

I was going to stay on the committee but because of medical events I have decided to take it a bit easy - still drinking Red Wine and telling jokes!

The finishing joke I was going to tell:

A man walks into a bar.            Ouch!

As I'm Dyslexic:

A man walks into a bra.            Wow!"

The final joke even got a genuine laugh!

The Secretary and Treasurer followed with their reports, both pleading for more help from members in the future, as the last year has been a struggle.  After the elections and approval of next year's programme, Margaret gave a resume of the trophy refurbishments that the committee have undertaken and appealed for contributions towards this project.

Around two dozen members stayed for a very good, but very filling meal after the meeting and the opportunity to socialise.  After last year's scaled down Zoom AGM, it was good to be back.

last edited on:  19/11/2021 at 12:54   by: The Editor