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  Autumn Cruise, September 2019

‘Corsair’ & her crew had left it quite late for the run downriver to Reedham, as inclement weather had forced us to have a second cup of tea before leaving the house… Well, we all suffer for our hobbies at times!

Adjacent to Cantley, approaching Hardley Mill, we spotted ‘Pandora III’, sailing down river, on the very last of the ebb. It was the perfect evening for it, the earlier rain having left a crisp SW and clear skies.

‘Corsair’ moored on Reedham Street, suitably adjacent to the Nelson P.H. Both quadrupeds and Admiral Cronin stayed aboard, whilst the skipper headed off for ‘one’. Running into bad company (he’s easily led) meant an approximate time of return to vessel of 12:30am (!)

Wind over tide, and stern to the wind presented a rolling, rattly kind of night. ‘Pandora III’ hadn’t joined us (we’d learn more of this later) but we assumed they’d stopped when darkness fell.

Saturday morning and the choice was 3 reefs with the storm jib, OR, a dog walk upto Reedham church damn level crossing…

The dogs really enjoyed their walk!

Sadly it was evident that ‘Corsair’ was to motor today: no chance of sailing. Going back upriver we met ‘Pandora III’ opposite Hardley Dyke and learnt a tale of boom crutches abandoning ship, and muddy hands grabbing at the keel. Both John & Rachel had sensibly decided to return to Langley the previous night, and were rescuing those pesky crutches.

Crutches rescued, ‘Pandora III’ hoisted her sails, and chased ‘Corsair’ upriver; she was going like a train! Meanwhile, I crouched behind the cabin to avoid the driving spray, as we lurched up Cantley reach. Admiral Cronin was safely inside the cabin!

By 11:30 on Saturday morning both boats were safely tucked up on their home moorings in Langley Dyke, with the trees providing good shelter.

So that was the YSC Autumn cruise - short and inclement!

last edited on:  01/10/2019 at 15:14   by: The Editor