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  Yare Challenge Cup, 2018 New Page 1


Seven boats came to the line to participate in this year’s Challenge Cup.  The three boats representing the Yare Sailing Club were Alice Rose, Pippinjack and Jasmine of Horning.  The four boats representing Coldham Hall Sailing Club were Anna, Grayling, Golden Moon and May.

Due to the number of boats, a split start was decided.  The fast boats set off down Train Reach in challenging conditions, beating into strong winds, which made getting through the trees very difficult.  Kevin Priest on Grayling, with his local knowledge, managed to pull ahead, whilst the other boats were caught briefly by the boats in the slow start.  Pippinjack, Alice Rose and Anna from the slow start managed to pull away and started to chase Grayling down towards the turn just before Langley Woods.  Grayling continued to hold them off and approaching the turn was several minutes ahead.  Unfortunately, after a long beat, whilst trying to make the last corner, she went hard aground and retired.

After turning the mark, the fleet enjoyed a run and a reach back home, with some challenging gybes and the added interest of passing through the Coldham Hall Fleet, who were racing the same course.

Alice Rose pulled ahead and took line honours and first place, followed by Pippinjack and Anna.  May arrived shortly afterwards.  Jasmine of Horning was the last boat to finish, having persevered and coming in nearly an hour after the rest of the fleet.  The conditions proved too much for Golden Moon who was not able to complete the course.  Subsequently, with three finishers, the YSC took the Yare Challenge Cup.

Anna being the first Coldham Hall boat home, took the Bessie Bell Trophy and the Polypin of Beer, kindly donated by Nick Ebbage.

Kevin Rhead 


last edited on:  18/07/2018 at 15:13   by: The Editor