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  Cantley Regatta, 2014

Cantley. Now a known crucible for weather systems to come and mingle, so it would appear…

Saturday’s racing was due to be in a format only partially understood by competitors, and fully bewildering the OOD. Nonetheless, ribbons were dealt out, allowing boats the opportunity to choose their ‘rotation’ of the course.

Instantly, the wind dropped out entirely, leaving a sultry, glassy calm. This was to become a theme for starts over the weekend! Competitors were soon doggedly making the reach up to Langley Woods and back, in an endless series of loops and swirls (some of which were intentional!)

Thankfully, all returned safely to the Reedcutter P.H. for a more sensible pursuit of drinking beer in the evening sun!

Sunday morning saw the fleet awaken to a heavy downpour at 5am; most hoping that we’d got our rain out of the way… Lulled into a sense of false security, the OOD immediately set a conventional course, upstream of Langley Woods and back.

During start manoeuvres, the strong flood and light airs proved difficult to some, and maintaining a position on the line soon became impossible in the calms.

Unfortunately, during the 1st lap the breeze immediately dropped out, rather more permanently this time. From the start line, this presented no problems (!) Upstream however, six yachts occupied the space normally reserved for 4, ‘Anne’ played at being a lock-gate and someone fell in!!

Special mention at this point to ‘Kingfisher’, ‘Pandora’ & ‘Shruff’ who all negotiated the course with seemingly little trouble (well done you!)

Faced with such high jinks, it was decided the yachts couldn’t be trusted, and a short-course in eye line of the OOD was required for the next race.

The afternoon’s race started with considerable sun, a light sea breeze, and an easy course… What followed was 90 minutes of torrential rain, steaming humidity, squalls, calms and anything else that could be thrown at competitors and the line officials.

Thankfully, all was taken in good humour and a prize giving was delivered to a cheerful (damp) crowd. Local knowledge obviously was the way forward, as J.Smith came away with the Jack Hunt Memorial Trophy for the weekend.

Thanks to all the usual suspects who helped out over the weekend. Especial thanks to those who ‘stepped up’ at the last minute.

My tumble drier hasn’t stopped since Sunday…


last edited on:  16/07/2014 at 13:56   by: The Editor